Monday, July 13, 2009

When I grow up...

I've finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. A movie quote whore.

Here's my movie quote for Die Hard 4: This movie takes payment in explosions and it only gives out change in machine gun fire.

That's right, movie company -- you're free to use that on the back of your packaging. Just make sure you get my name right. It's Anne Cope, Panda Massage Press.

Transformers 2 -- It's the most transforminating movie ever. I makes me want to shoot rockets out my nipples just like that one robot that looked like all the other robots. -- Anne Cope, The Experimental Bingoer Monthly.

Bruno -- It didn't make me vomit out my eyeballs, but it did make me wish I was a lamprey eel. -- Anne Cope, The Avuncular Examiner

The Proposal -- If Sandra Bullock was anymore adorable, I'd stab myself in the neck with a garden trowel. -- Anne Cope, Daily Egret Liberator Monthly.

Imagine That -- This movie reminds me of when Eddie Murphy was funny, and then it makes me remember that he hasn't been for years. And then I weep a little. -- Anne Cope, Ferrets, Ferrets Ferrets: A Magazine About Ferrets.

Land of the Lost -- It's just about stupid enough to fool my cat into thinking it's funny. That's right. Tama gave this movie four paws and zero balls UP! -- Anne Cope, The Eurotastic Journal of Creams and Unguents.

I seriously think I have a shot at this!